Eagle Crews Prepare For Summer Heat

As summer approaches, the Eagle Construction crews must take steps to be ready for the various hazards that can arise on the job site. Heat hazard recognition is an important skill for any construction worker or construction company to possess. It involves being able to identify and understand the potential risks associated with excessive heat on construction sites. This includes understanding how heat can affect workers, equipment, and materials, as well as spotting signs of heat-related illness and knowing how to respond correctly. With the right training and knowledge, workers can stay safe in hot conditions and prevent costly accidents or injuries.

At Eagle Construction, safety is NO accident, and that includes heat hazards. These dangers can arise from various factors, including high temperatures, direct sunlight exposure, and strenuous physical activities. Our teams need to be aware of the signs and symptoms of heat-related illnesses such as heat exhaustion and heat stroke, which include dizziness, fatigue, nausea, and confusion. By recognizing and addressing the risk factors that could lead to heat hazards, such as inadequate hydration, lack of acclimatization, and underlying health conditions, we can help reduce the risks associated with them.

Vice President of Construction, Greg Tryon, said that “it’s important for our on-site teams to understand the risks the summer months and heat have on the job site and how to identify the signs of heat illnesses not only for themselves, but for all the people work on our projects.  That’s why we have plenty of water at our jobsites, shaded areas for breaks and fans in our buildings. Our Superintendents also offer toolbox talks so everyone is aware of hot weather hazards.”

Training and education play a critical role in preventing heat hazards. Eagle Construction ensures supervisors and workers receive proper heat safety training to recognize the early signs of heat-related illnesses, and the importance of hydration and rest breaks.

We strive to foster a culture of safety and communication is key. Eagle Construction encourages workers to report any heat-related concerns they experience or witness to help with early intervention. By following Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) guidelines our teams are ready to face the heat of summer head on.

OSHA provides comprehensive guidelines and resources on heat stress prevention in the workplace. Their website offers access to educational materials, training programs, and regulatory information to ensure compliance with heat safety standards.
