YAPG Officials Talk Challenges of Making Westbrook Estates Reality

Posted on: July 22, 2019

In 2013, a housing study aimed at the city’s major employers revealed one major need — workforce housing was hard to find in Yankton.

So Yankton Area Progressive Growth (YAPG) snapped their fingers and, like that, Westbrook Estates popped up along West City Limits Road, thus solving the plight of housing shortages once and for all. … Except, it was never so simple.

Yes,  Westbrook Estates has risen from empty fields on the west side of town and is well into its second phase of expansion, but there were a number of challenges to overcome — challenges that anyone aiming to bring workforce housing to the area will face.

Recently, key YAPG officials sat down with the Press & Dakotan to discuss to project and the hurdles it had to overcome to become a reality.